Welcome to the George’s Old Timers Net About Us page. On this page you will find information about the people who help make George’s Old Timers Net happen.
Net Coordinator: Herbert Gilbert – KC1GIB
Hebert has been a Amateur Radio Operator since 6-6-2014 . He is a member of the Central Massachusetts Amateur Radio Association, He has been a Board Member of CMARA since 2019. Herbert is the coordinator of Georges old Timers net. Georges old Timers net has been on the W1BIM repeater since 1991
Deputy Net Coordinator – Dan RAU
Several years ago I started the process to get my ham license. After a few months of studying some fellows asked if I would join their band because they needed a sax player. Rehearsals and gigs got in the way of studying for my test and it wasn’t until the fall of 2013 that a buddy of mine said he wanted to get his Tech license that I started the process again. I was so determined that I paid for two sets of study material, one for him and one for me, and made him promise that we would study together so we could both pass the test. On April 20, 2014 I passed my Tech exam and became KC1BPI. I immediately applied for K1RAU. On April 19, 2015 I got my General then went for Extra at Boxboro on August 22, 2015. How long was it between when I first started to get my Novice license to when I finally got licensed? 56 years! I’m glad I finally did it and recommend that ANYONE who is interested in ham radio can do it… no matter what your age.
Web Master: David Mahlert – KB1YGW
David has been a Amateur Radio Operator since 6-6-2012. He is a member of the Central Massachusetts Amateur Radio Association . He was previously a Old Timers Net Controller but due to family medical and conflicting schedules Herbert KC1GIB took over and runs George’s. David still fills in as a Net Controller as needed.
Special Thanks to all former net controllers including net controller emeritus K1QJM Art from Auburn, MA for his years of dedication to the net.